My Business Network

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Get logical answers for all the illogical happenings in your life..!!

"What we see and hear is what we think about. What we think about is what we feel. What we feel influences our reactions. Reactions become habits and it is our habits that determine" our destiny"
- Bob Gass

We live in a world of unprecedented change. We are immersed in unpredictability and complexity. The more we discover the more 
there is to discover. Every question reveals yet more questions. 

We need skills and attitudes to help us learn how to make sense of chaos. We need to know how to find certainty within ourselves about what we want and what we believe when everything around us may seem to challenge who we are. 

We need to know how to communicate with people of vastly different cultures and more than anything, how to communicate ourselves.  

Have you ever encountered that awkward moment when your son / daughter calls you absolutely unfriendly, whereas you were always thinking that you were extra friendly with him / her?

Have you heard a husband being served a divorce notice by wife when the husband was always thinking he was a very dedicated and extra caring towards his wife.

People face many such stunning moments in their lives and completely taken aback.

What you think about yourself is not true. Only what others perceive you does matter. Normally there is a huge gap between these two. 

How, then do we cope? We need to look within ourselves and find our unique resources.

This is where NLP comes in. 

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)  helps us in developing our own formulae for successful and happy living.  

NLP is a process of modeling the conscious and unconscious patterns that are unique to each of us. In essence, NLP is the study of our thinking, behaviour, and language patterns,so that we can build sets of strategies that work for us in making decisions, coaching a team of people, inspiring and motivating others, creating balance in our lives, negotiating our way through the day, and, learning how to learn. || || 998.010.2628 || 974.237.3173


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